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The Respiratory Health Awards nominations are now open. Nominations are due by Sept. 30, 2024. Submit your nomination today.

Respiratory Health Awards

ATS Assembly Awards

Other Awards & Scholarships

ATS Code of Conduct

When the Society awards an honor, the honor reflects the Society's judgment that the honoree's contributions to, and effect on, the field are exemplary. The Society takes into account the totality of the individual's work, professional conduct, ethics and reputation. It expects those who hold honors to embody highly professional and ethical conduct in their work and interactions with others during their careers. As part of that commitment, when submitting the nomination, nominators must include a statement attesting, to the best of their knowledge, that the nominee's conduct has conformed to the values and expectations in the  Policy on Professionalism and Ethical Conduct, and there have been no allegations against the nominee to the contrary, except to the extent you have disclosed them to ATS in your statement. The ATS will ask nominees to complete a form for disclosure of potential conflicts of interest with the Society’s mission.

Lorraine B. Ware, MD, ATSF
ATS Awards Committee

To view past awardees, please visit the Conference History.

For information about the 2024 Respiratory Health Awards, please contact Miriam Rodriquez.