Meet the 2024 Winner: Lindsay Michelle Forbes MD

Dr. Forbes is an Instructor in the Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Colorado. She completed her fellowship training at the University of Colorado in 2023 which included a fourth year of specialized clinical and research training in pulmonary vascular disease. Her primary research mentors are Drs. William Cornwell and Tim Lahm. With their support, her prior work used invasive pressure-volume analysis to characterize the healthy right ventricular response to acute hypoxia. Currently, they are working to characterize exertional right ventricular dysfunction and corresponding metabolic phenotypes among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-associated pulmonary hypertension. Long-term, her research goal is to identify strategies to prevent and treat right ventricular dysfunction in the setting of chronic lung disease.
The purpose of this award is to recognize scientific achievements from ATS PC members that are early in their careers to encourage ongoing commitment to science. The individual must have outstanding scientific achievements in the field of pulmonary vascular disease by a mentored early career stage investigator (e.g., paper(s), grants, program building, educational efforts, society contribution).
- ATS PC member
- Postdoctoral Fellow, senior postdoc, instructor or within the first two years of a faculty appointment/lectureship.
- Submission of a complete nomination package including 1) letters of support from 2 different members of the assembly describing the candidate’s contributions, potential, and why the award is appropriate; 2) the candidate’s curriculum vitae and 3) a copy of an abstract that will be presented at the ATS meeting on which the candidate is first or senior author.
- Has not yet received a career development award (e.g., NHLBI K08/23/99 award, VA career development award, AHA career development award, new investigator/career development awards from UKRI, Wellcome, ERC awards) at the time of nomination.
- Will be expected to serve as a PC executive committee apprentice following acceptance of the award for education and to encourage ongoing ATS participation