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Assembly on Respiratory Structure and Function Solbert Permutt Trailblazer Award in Pulmonary Physiology and Medicine


Meet the 2024 Winner: James Hogg, MD, PhD

Dr. Hogg has been on the staff of the University of British Columbia located at St. Paul’s Hospital since 1977 and is currently an Emeritus Professor of Pathology at UBC. He earned his medical degree from the University of Manitoba in 1962, a PhD in Experimental Medicine from McGill University in 1969, and completed residency training in Anatomic Pathology at the Massachusetts General Hospital and McGill University. He maintains an active research program focused on the inflammatory process in the lung, with particular reference to the structure and function of the lungs in COPD. He works in collaboration with Dr. Peter Pare, Dr. Stephan Van Eeden, Dr. Tillie Hackett and Dr Shizu Hayashi.

Award Description

This award honors Solbert Permutt, an intellectual giant who made groundbreaking contributions to the understanding of pulmonary physiology and respiratory medicine and served as an inspirational mentor for countless trainees and colleagues. The award is intended for an established investigator who has performed pioneering research in the area of respiratory structure and function and has guided and inspired others in the field. Innovative basic or translational scientists, clinical investigators and clinician-educators who have been outstanding mentors or teachers are eligible. Nomination of diverse candidates is encouraged.

The award consists of a plaque and an honorarium, which will be presented at the ATS International Conference. RSF gratefully acknowledges Medical Graphics Corporation (MGC Diagnostics) for their support.


  • Associate professor, professor or equivalent with distinguished achievement as a basic or translational scientist, clinical investigator or clinician-educator
  • Pioneering work that has significantly advanced the understanding of respiratory physiology or medicine
  • Record of having inspired trainees through mentorship or teaching
  • Normally RSF Assembly membership, but suitable candidates from other ATS Assemblies will be considered
  • Nominee’s current curriculum vitae including a list of nominee’s publications and a list of trainees mentored
  • Nominator’s letter of recommendation
  • Support letters, particularly from nominee’s mentees, which are optional but recommended

Nomination/support letters should describe nominee's

  • Research contributions in the area of respiratory structure and function
  • Influence as a mentor or teacher
  • Involvement in ATS, including any involvement in RSF Assembly
  • Service to the broader scientific or medical community

View Previous Award Recipients