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Assembly on Respiratory Cell & Molecular Biology Recognition of Early Academic Achievement Award (REAAch)


Meet the 2024 Awardees: Eleanor Valenzi, MD and Joseph Bednash, MD

Eleanor Valenzi, MD, specializes in pulmonology and is certified in internal medicine and pulmonary disease by the American Board of Internal Medicine. She practices at UPMC East, UPMC St. Margaret, UPMC McKeesport, and UPMC Presbyterian. Dr. Valenzi is affiliated with University of Pittsburgh Physicians, Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine. She completed her medical degree at the University of Alabama School of Medicine at Birmingham and residency at the University of Chicago. Dr. Valenzi specializes in treating patients with interstitial lung disease and systemic sclerosis.

A physician-scientist, Joseph Bednash received his MD from the University of Pittsburgh and completed residency and fellowship training through the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Research Pathway, also at the University of Pittsburgh. In 2019, he was recruited to the Ohio State University as an Assistant Professor of Medicine and Assistant Director of the Acute Lung Injury Center. His research focuses on molecular mechanisms contributing to pathobiology in critical illnesses, such as the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and sepsis.


This recognition will be awarded to Early Stage Investigators (ESI) in the Instructor to Assistant Professor rank who demonstrate a sustained commitment to develop a productive academic career with focus on areas covered by the RCMB Assembly. This additional RCMB award intends to acknowledge the need for increased recognition of meritorious efforts of ESI by our assembly, expanding the existent Rising Stars and the Carol Basbaum Awards.

Awards per year: 2


  • Instructor or Assistant Professor appointment effective on the date of the award
  • In possession of/applying for a Career Development award (NIH K award or foundation award equivalent in years of support/cost, provide application number)
  • Attended ATS International Conference at least once and holds RCMB membership for >1 year
  • Two letters of recommendation. Letters should address the nominee’s scientific contributions, mentoring/teaching/educational contributions, and ATS participation.
  • Updated CV and NIH Biosketch
  • Does not require a scientific abstract
  • Both U.S. based and international scientists are eligible to apply
  • The awardee must be present at the ATS International Conference

Awards and Recognition

  1. Assignment as panel member in RCMB mini-symposia for the following ATS IC cycle
  2. Names of the awardee will be placed in an RCMB database for preferred apprentice reviewers for ATS journals.
  3. Announcement on ATS RCMB webpage and an announcement at the RCMB membership meeting.

View Previous Award Recipients