Meet the 2024 Winner: Joseph Keane MS BAO BCh MD MRCP (I) MRCP (UK)

This award is given to a PI-TB member with clear commitment to PI-TB and the ATS, advancing their missions, and with significant contribution(s) to the PI-TB Assembly in the area(s) of research, clinical care, teaching, mentoring or service (may include leadership).
- Associate Professor, Professor, or equivalent
- At least 20 years from having completed postdoctoral or clinical training, excluding time off for personal circumstances
- PI-TB Assembly Member (primary or secondary)
- Significant contribution(s) to the PI-TB Assembly in the area(s) of research, clinical care, teaching, mentoring or service, typically including leadership.
- Nomination letter from sponsor(s) (2-page limit, using a template)
- Updated candidate CV