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About the ATS Research Program

Scientific Review Process


The ATS Scientific Grant Review Committee (SGRC) is composed of nationally renowned pulmonary, sleep, and critical care researchers. The SGRC leads a rigorous, NIH-style review process to identify the most impactful research proposals.

Reviewers determine the overall impact of each application by assessing the quality of the investigator’s scientific background and research environment and evaluating each proposal’s overall significance, innovation, feasibility, and importance to patients.

Grant Review Process

For its unrestricted and diversity grants, the Research Program employs a two-stage process. Partner grants do not require a letter of intent. All grants are reviewed by the SGRC.

1. Letter of Intent Stage

  • Two members of the SGRC review each LOI and provide an overall score. Researchers submitting LOIs with the highest scores are invited to submit full applications.

2. Full Application Stage

  • Full applications are reviewed by three SGRC members, who provide an overall impact score and comments.
  • Applications are ranked by their average preliminary score. The lowest scoring applications are triaged and not discussed at the review
  • The remaining applications are discussed at the SGRC review meeting. The entire committee scores the applications.
  • The applications are then ranked from lowest to highest average score. The SGRC recommends the top scoring application(s) in each grant category for funding.

Scientific Grant Review Committee (SGRC)

Chair Kamran Atabai, MD, San Francisco, CA

Vice Chair Erick Forno, MD, MPH, ATSF, Indianpolis, IN

Committee Members:

Najib Ayas, MD, MPH
Leonard B. Bacharier, MD
Susan J. Bartlett, PhD
Wei Chen, PhD, ATSF
Stephanie A. Christenson, MD, MS
Laura E Crotty Alexander. MD, ATSF
Horace Delisser, M. MD
Michael B. Fessler, MD, ATSF
Jose L. Gomez, MS, MD, ATSF
Theresa W. Guilbert, MD, MS
Jonathan C. Jun, MD
Jacqueline M. Kruser, MD, MS
Hrishikesh S. Kulkarni, MD, MSc, ATSF
Tim Lahm, MD, ATSF
Janet, Lee, MD, ATSF
Lisa A. Miller, PhD
Vsevolod S. Polotsky, MD, PhD
Elizabeth F. Redente, PhD, ATSF
Mary B. Rice, MD, MPH
Margaret Rosenfeld, MD
Ciara M. Shaver, MD, PhD
Sunita, Sharma, MD, MPH
Edda F. Spiekerkoetter, MD
Yen-Rei A.Yu, MD, PhD

Staff: Miriam Rodriguez, Leslie Engel

The ATS Scientific Grant Review Committee provides strategic guidance for the Society’s research programs and scientific policies and is primarily responsible for the direct oversight for the process of reviewing grants applications to the ATS Research Program. 

The Committee provides oversight for the ATS Research Program and works with ATS staff on identifying additional extramural sources of funding. It recommends policies to the Board that would further the Society’s science and research mission and objectives, including scientific areas in need of research, and develops collaborations with other societies and organizations to further research in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine with an interest in proposals that advance health equity. 

The Committee determines the number of Scientific Review Groups and the number of members of each Scientific Review Group needed to provide scientific review for the different grant programs. It also identifies the chair and members of the ATS Scientific Review Groups. Additionally, it determines the process and develops application forms, criteria and guidelines for the various grant opportunities. Oversees the work of the different review groups and selects grants for funding.