Meet the 2024 Winner: Roger Kim, MD, MSCE

Roger Kim is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, the Chair of the ATS Thoracic Oncology Assembly Early Career Professionals Working Group, and the Co-Chair of the ATS TOA Interventional Pulmonology Advisory Group. He is an accomplished interventional pulmonologist and physician-scientist with expertise in thoracic oncology clinical investigation. His research seeking to optimize the lung cancer diagnostic process with focuses on lung cancer screening and pulmonary nodule risk stratification is funded by a National Cancer Institute K08 Career Development Award and has been recognized with ATS abstract scholarships, the University of Pennsylvania Department of Medicine Bradley Clinical Research Fellow Award, publications in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Radiology, and Annals of Internal Medicine, and faculty appointments at the Penn Abramson Cancer Center, Center for Cancer Innovation, and Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Roger is a member of the PROSPR-Lung Research Consortium and is the PI for the ARCADES randomized clinical trial, the first investigator-initiated trial to study the impact of a pulmonary nodule risk stratification biomarker on medical decision-making. Dr. Kim completed his undergraduate, medical school, and internal medicine training at Yale University before moving to Penn for his pulmonary, critical care, and interventional pulmonology fellowship training, earning a Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology along the way. He considers the ATS Thoracic Oncology Assembly to be his medical societal “home” and cherishes the opportunity to regularly meet and collaborate with passionate, like-minded colleagues from around the world.
This award will be given to an individual who has made scientific contributions in clinical, translational, or laboratory-based research relevant to the field of thoracic oncology and/or made significant contributions to the Assembly through participation in Assembly and ATS Activities (committees, workshops, document development, etc.). Other considerations for this award include demonstrating meaningful contributions in the areas(s) of clinical care, teaching, innovative program development, and promoting diversity.
Nominees must be a TOA member (primary or secondary); preference will be given to a TOA primary member. We encourage nominations of diverse nominees in all dimensions, including gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, geographic residence, country, area of focus and primary occupation. The nomination package must include a 1-page letter from a member of the assembly describing the candidate’s contributions (scientific and/or Assembly contributions) and why the award is merited. The candidate’s curriculum vitae must also be included with the nomination packet.
Awardees will be recognized with a framed certificate at the annual TO Membership Meeting during the ATS International Conference.
- Must be at the Assistant Professor level or at an equivalent rank in a non-academic institution
- Must be a TOA member with preference given to TOA primary member
- Must not have received a similar early career award from TOA or another ATS Assembly
- Limited to nominees that are ≤ 10 years from terminal doctoral degree (PhDs) or ≤ 10 years from completion of medical fellowship training (MDs or MD/PhDs).
Applicants are scored on two criteria using a rating system (1-5 where 5 is best) across the following categories:
- Scientific Contributions/Products
- Participation in Assembly and ATS Activities (administrative, committees, workshops, documents, promoting diversity.)
- Teaching/ Mentoring/ Educational Contributions