Meet the 2023 Winners: Harikrishnan Parameswaran, PhD and Bradford Julian Smith, PhD, MS

Hari Parameswaran is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Bioengineering at Northeastern University, Boston, MA. His labs research focuses on cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions in the airway to understand the fundamental mechanisms that regulate airway caliber and why they fail in diseases like asthma. Dr. Parameswaran earned his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Boston University. He is the recipient of K99/R00 and R21 grants from the NIH/NHLBI. His current work is supported by awards from the NIH/NIGMS and a CAREER award from the NSF.

Dr. Smith is an Assistant Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus. He uses in vivo experiments, morphometry, and computer models to study acute- and ventilator-induced lung injury.
Award Description
Sponsored by the ATS Science and Innovation Center, the Rising Star awards will honor promising, junior basic/translational scientists performing novel research in the area of respiratory structure and function. If suitable candidates are nominated, two Rising Star awards will be presented each year. Nomination of diverse candidates is encouraged.
The awardees will showcase their research by presenting 15 min talks during a Rising Stars session hosted by the Science and Innovation Center during the ATS International Conference. The awardees will receive certificates during the same session.
- Junior investigator at the rank of postdoctoral or medical fellow, assistant professor or equivalent
- RSF Assembly membership, either primary or secondary
- Basic/translational researcher in the area of respiratory structure and function
- More than one first-authored paper in a well-respected journal
- Early career accomplishments and future promise
- Nominee’s current curriculum vitae including a list of nominee’s publications
- Nominator’s letter of recommendation
Nomination letter should describe nominee's
- Basic/translational research contributions and promise
- Independence or future potential for independence
- Involvement in ATS, including any involvement in RSF Assembly
- Service to the broader scientific or medical community, if applicable
- Mentorship or teaching activities