The 2025 Grover Conference will be held September 3-7, 2025 at the Lost Valley Ranch in Sedalia, CO. Be sure to check out the list of ranch activities!
Registration for the 2025 Grover Conference will open on June 2, 2025.
About the Conference
The Grover Conference is held on a biennial basis and is the only international meeting in North America that repeatedly focuses on subjects relevant to lung vascular biology and medicine. Since its inauguration in 1984, the 2025 Grover Conference will be the 21st in this series, representing the longest-standing conference on Pulmonary Circulation. Named in honor of Robert F. Grover, the Conference is held in a secluded, rural setting in the Rocky Mountains. The participation of young scientists is particularly encouraged. The setting has been proven many times to be an excellent meeting that has led to fruitful collaborations between investigators young and old, often in different fields. You are encouraged to participate in future Grover Conferences by coming to the meeting and by taking part in the planning and development of new subjects. More information can be obtained from the PC Assembly Chair.
Grover Conference Abstract Submission Requirements
Abstracts can only be submitted by registered participants
Abstract Length
The total word count of an abstract may not exceed 400 words. Note: The 400-word count is for the abstract body (title, authors' information, institutions, tables, images and spaces between words will not count towards the 400 word count).
A maximum of 1 Table OR 1 figure can be included per abstract in JPG format only. When including a table it is recommended to save the table as an image and then upload it into the abstract body. The image will not count towards the 400 word count. Please note: If you choose to include a high-quality table or figure, make sure it is legible (for review and publication).
- Abstracts must be submitted by registered participants; you can register by clicking on "My Grover" in the left column in the navigation bar.
- Abstracts must be sent to the PC Assembly mailbox on or before Thursday, July 31.
Authors will be notified of proposal acceptance for either oral or poster presentations on or before Monday, Aug. 11.
Questions? Please email Miriam Rodriguez at mrodriguez@thoracic.org