Past conferences in this series and the resulting publications are
- 2023 - Precision Medicine For Pulmonary Vascular Disease: The Future is Now
- 2019 - On the Pulmonary Vasculature in Development, Injury and Repair
- 2017 - Endothelium at the frontline of Vascular Pathobiology and Therapeutic Targeting in Lung Vascular Disease
- 2015 - Pulmonary Circulation in the “omics” era: New Insights into Pathogenesis
- 2013 - Coupling of the Right Ventricle and Pulmonary Circulation
- 2011 - Risk Factors in Pulmonary Hypertension: Gender, Sex Hormones, Novel Genetic Influences and Risk Factors. Pulm Circ. 2011 Oct-Dec; 1(4): S1S15.
- 2008 - Membrane Receptors, Channels, and Transporters in Pulmonary Circulation: Role in the Development of Pulmonary Vascular Disease
- 2006 - Rho Family GTPases in Pulmonary Vascular Pathophysiology
- 2004 - Genetic and Environmental Determinants of Pulmonary Endothelial Cell Function
- 2002 - Cell signaling in vascular inflammation. Humana, 2005.
- 2000 - Interactions of Blood and the Pulmonary Circulation. Futura, 2001.
- 1998 - The Fetal and Neonatal Pulmonary Circulations. Futura, 1999.
- 1996 - Pathogenesis and Treatment of Pulmonary Edema. Futura, 1997.
- 1994 - Nitric Oxide and Oxygen Radicals in the Pulmonary Vasculature. Futura, 1995.
- 1993 - The Role of Ion Flux in Pulmonary Vascular Control. Plenum, 1993.
- 1991 - The Pulmonary Circulation and Gas Exchange. Futura, 1992.
- 1990 - The Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension. Futura , 1991.
- 1988 - The Control of Cellular Proliferation in the Pulmonary Circulation. American Review of Respiratory Disease. 140:1093 1135, 1989.
- 1986 - Lipid Mediators in the Pulmonary Circulation. American Review of Respiratory Disease. 136:196 224, 455 491, 762¬-788, 1987.
- 1984 - Pulmonary Vascular Reactivity. Chest. 88:199 272S, 1985. Clinical Respiratory Physiology. 21:583 590, 1985.