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Mission Statement


The name of this section of the American Thoracic Society Scientific Assembly on Respiratory Structure and Function will be "Pulmonary Circulation Section".


A. To provide an intra-assembly mechanisms for communication on the Pulmonary Circulation within the American Thoracic Society.

B. To collect, interpret and disseminate data concerning clinical and research aspects of the pulmonary circulation.

C. To stimulate research in pulmonary circulation.

D. To promote interdisciplinary planning for clinical pulmonary circulatory aspects of patients with lung disease.


The clinical and scientific areas involved would include, among others, the following fields:

  • Hemodynamics of the pulmonary circulation and cor pulmonale
  • Pathology of the pulmonary circulation
  • Relation to vasoactive humoral agents
  • Pulmonary capillary physiology and edema
  • Vascular smooth muscle
  • Endothelial cells and lung metabolic functions
  • Thrombo-embolism, clinical and experimental
  • Relations between central nervous and autonomic nervous systems and the pulmonary circulation
  • Inter-relations between respiration and pulmonary circulation