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Interest Groups

Children’s Interstitial and Diffuse Lung Disease Research Network (chILDRN)


Co-Chairs: Alicia Casey, M.D., Elizabeth Fiorino, M.D., and Jennifer Wambach, M.D.

The mission of the Children’s Interstitial and Diffuse Lung Disease Research Network (chILDRN) is to improve care for children with rare diffuse lung disease around the world through research, education, and advocacy.

Goals and Objectives

  • To advance knowledge on the prevalence, clinical features, management, and outcomes of children with these rare lung diseases around the world;
  • To facilitate scientific discovery and additional research in this field;
  • Develop multidisciplinary clinical programs for chILD with input from diverse subspecialties (e.g. radiology, pathology, surgery, immunology, rheumatology, cardiology, critical care) and appropriate support structures for optimal care to include nursing, respiratory therapy, nutrition and social work;
  • Harmonizing standard research data sets for clinical care and research efforts to better understand and treat chILD;
  • Communicate results from chILDRN investigations to advance understanding and treatment of chILD;
  • Expand research efforts with basic and translational scientists, industry, other disciplines and academic partners to develop effective therapies for chILD and chILD related disease;
  • Support activities associated with family foundation such as the chILD Foundation;
  • Educate scientists, clinicians and families to promote excellence in chILD research and clinical care;
  • Advocate on behalf of chILDRN locally and nationally;
  • Participate in chILDRN discussions at national/international conferences and teleconferences;
  • Participation in Education of families and patients;
  • Mentor junior clinicians, scientists and researchers in chILD.


In Case You Missed It

2021 Annual Interest Group Meeting