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Professional Development for Early and Mid Career Professionals

Grant Resource Guide

Top Ten Tips for Preparing Successful Grant Applications

In an effort to promote grant opportunities to early career investigators, the ATS developed the Grant Resource Guide. This Guide features prominent and timely grant opportunities that directly support predoctoral, postdoctoral, and clinical fellows as well as early career faculty in Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine.

Applying for your first independent grant can be a daunting but exciting task! The first step is to determine the grant to which you should apply. To do this you will need to carefully read the eligibility requirements and the program funding announcement. Even great projects won't be funded if they aren't within the goals of the organization that is providing the funding. Start by talking to your mentor about which grants his or her trainees have successfully attained. Additionally, while most young investigators have their hopes set on achieving NIH funding, don't forget about other funding agencies such as foundations (including the ATS foundation). These grants can be an excellent stepping stone to getting your first independent NIH grant. After you have decided on the grant(s) to which you will apply, you will need to start writing. We recommend starting early and having multiple colleagues at your home institution provide a critical appraisal of your grant proposal before you submit. Once your grant is written make sure that you (and others) very closely proofread the proposal, and ensure that the figures are consistent in their formatting and with clear and legible legends. Lastly, don't get discouraged if your first submission (or first several submissions) doesn't get funded. Even the most successful scientists have had many grants rejected. Read the grant reviewrs' comments with an open mind and take them as an opportunity to improve your work for a stellar re-submission. Good luck!

Grant Category Grant Name Pre Doc Fellow Post Doc Early Career Faculty International Trainees
General Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) X X X X  
General Alfred P. Sloan Foundation   X X X  
General The Donaghue Foundation   X X X  
General Burroughs Welcome Fund   X X X X
General Howard Hughes Medical Institute   X X X X
General Centers for Disease Control X X X X  
General Department of Defense X X X X  
General Department of Verterans Affairs Career Development Awards   X X X  
General Doris Duke Charitable Foundation - Clinical Scientist Award X X X X X
General Flight Attendants Medical Research Institute young Clinical Scientist Award--smoking related diseases   X X X X
General NIH/NHLBI Research Training/Career Development Programs X X X X  
General NIH Loan Repayment Program   X X X  
General Parker B. Francis Fellowship Program   X X X  
General PhRMA Foundation X X X X  
General Robert Wood Johnson Foundation   X X X X
General  AMA Seed Grant Program X X X X  
General The Searle Scholars Program       X  
General The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative        X  
General The Keck foundation        X  
General Awards and Grants Opportunities | American Lung Association X X
ATS ATS Unrestricted Research Grants       X  
ATS ATS Diversity Grant       X  
ATS ATS Research Program Partner Grants       X  
ATS ATS Health Equality Fellowship Grant   X X X  
ATS SRN Grant Opportunities   X X X  
Alpha-1 Alpha-1 Foundation   X X X  
Cardiovascular American Heart Association X X X X  
Critical Care SCCM Vision Grant X X X X X
Critical Care Intensive Care Foundation X X X X  
Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Research and Training Awards   X X X  
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Freeman Hrabowski Scholars Program X X X
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Award X X X
Gerontology American Federation for Aging Research X X X X X
Lung Cancer American Cancer Society X X X X X
Lung Cancer Damon Runyon Cancer Research Fellowship   X X X  
Lung Cancer Landon Foundation--AACR Innovator Awards for Cancer Prevention   X X X X
Lung Cancer National Lung Cancer Partnership   X X  
Lung Cancer LUNGevity   X X  
Lung Cancer Uniting Against Lung Cancer X X X X X
Lymphatic Disease The Lymphatic Research Foundation   X X X  
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis The LAM Foundation   X  
Medical Education AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) mini-grant initiative   X X  
Medical Education AAMC Northeastern Group on Educational Affairs (NEGEA) collaborative research grants   X X  
Medical Education AAMC Southern Group on Educational Affairs (SGEA) grants and innovation in medical education award   X X  
Medical Education AAMC Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA) mini-grant initiative   X X  
Medical Education Association for Medical Education Research Award   X X  
Medical Education Association of American of Medical Colleges (AAMC) Group on Educational Affairs (GEA) grants X X X X  
Medical Education Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE)       X  
Medical Education International Education Research Foundation X X X X X
Medical Education Picker Gold Challenge Grants for Residency Training   X   X  
Medical Education Stemmler Fund X X X X  
Pulmonary Fibrosis Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation   X X
Pulmonary Hypertension  Pulmonary Hypertension Association   X X X X
Scleroderma Scleroderma Research Foundation   X X   X
Scleroderma Scleroderma Foundation   X X
Sleep American Academy Sleep Medicine Foundation   X X X  
Sleep Research Society X X X X X
Transplant International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation- Research Fellowship Award   X X X X
Transplant American Society of Transplantation   X X X

If you have questions or would like to include a grant opportunity to the list, please email us.