Thursday, November 2, 2023 1:00-2:00 PM EDT
During this session, they presented four cases of children with ventilatory control abnormalities
First case illustrates the case of a child with Prader Willi syndrome presenting with central apnea syndrome and treated unsuccessfully with CPAP
Second case concerns a girl presenting a tumor located the in-medulla oblongata with periodic breathing during sleep
Third case concerns a child with CCHS
Fourth case entitled "Severe central apnea secondary to cerebellar dysplasia in a child"
Plamen Bokov, MD
Pediatric Pulmonologist
Benjamin Dudoignon, MD
Pediatric Pulmonologis
Jessica Taytard, MD
Pediatric Pulmonologis
Nicole Beydon, MD
Hôpital Armand Trousseau, Paris