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"Differential Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis in Children: Williams-Campbell Syndrome" and “A Case of Retinitis Pigmentosa and Bronchiectasis”

Date: April 1, 2021

This webinar was presented by the “ATS/SIMRI (Società Italiana Malattie Respiratorie Infantili) Collaboration” Interest Group and the Assembly on Pediatrics.

The session was chaired by Enrico Lombardi, MD (“Meyer” Children’s Hospital, Florence, Italy) and two clinical cases was presented:

Case 1: presented and discussed, respectively, by Laura Barrocu, MD, and Lucia Ronco, MD (“Regina Margherita” Children's Hospital, Turin, Italy)

Case 2: presented and discussed, respectively, by Andrea La Tessa, MD, and Claudia Calogero, MD (“Meyer” Children’s Hospital, Florence, Italy)