The Assembly Apprenticeship Programs are designed to provide early-career assembly members with an opportunity to be directly involved in guiding the future of ATS. Three apprentices will be chosen, one each for the Program, Planning, and Web Committees. Under the mentorship of a committee member, apprentices will get a "behind the scenes" look at the operations of their assembly while developing skills to evaluate project applications to learn scoring techniques used to grade abstracts. Apprentices may have the opportunity to "graduate" into full Committee membership in the year following their apprenticeship. The decision to add the apprentice to the committee as a full member is made by the current chairs of either the Program, Planning or Web Committees.
The deadline to apply is Fri, Jan 24, 2025.
We look forward to your participation in the ATS Apprenticeship Programs! For more information contact Tiana Lino, Assembly Programs Manager.
Allergy, Immunology & Inflammation (AII)
General Description
The AII Assembly’s Apprenticeship Program is designed to provide early career AII Assembly members with an opportunity to be directly involved in guiding the future of ATS. Apprentices may serve with either the Executive, Program, Planning, or Web Committee (descriptions below). Under the mentorship of a committee member, apprentices will get a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the operations of the AII Assembly while developing skills for evaluation of committee applications and development of committee projects. Committee Apprentices may have the opportunity to ‘graduate’ into full Committee membership in the year following apprenticeship depending on their dedication and efforts.
In principle, the AII Assembly’s Apprenticeship Program should allow highly motivated individuals to become more active in the AII Assembly and encourage apprentices to become more active in committees and advance the goals of the ATS in the long-term. Apprentices should be selected based upon their potential for sustained involvement and contribution to the assembly. Preference will be given to candidates already in faculty positions with robust institutional support.
Description of Executive Committee
Under the leadership of the Assembly Chair, the Executive Committee consists of the chairpersons of the various committees, working groups, and initiatives of the AII Assembly. The Executive Committee meets monthly to coordinate major initiatives within the Assembly and to provide updates to the Assembly Chair. Executive Committee Apprentices will work directly with the Assembly Chair and are expected to attend all meetings.
Description of Program Committee
The Program Committee organizes the AII content for the International Conference. Program Committee Apprentices participate in designing the International Conference content, learning to evaluate abstract submissions, and programming Conference sessions.
Description of Planning Committee
The Planning Committee is charged with shaping the long-term strategy of the assembly, generally through soliciting and sponsoring projects including clinical practice guidelines, position papers, and workshops benefitting the Assembly. Planning Committee Apprentices will learn to provide evaluations and reviews of Committee project applications. Apprentices may have the opportunity to assist with the development of accepted project proposals.
Description of Web Committee
The Web Committee creates the Assembly’s web content such as journal clubs, podcasts, and virtual grand rounds as well as maintaining the Asthma Center website and the Assembly’s social media presence. The Web Committee apprentice will be expected to assist with the development and maintenance of the Assembly web content with a focus on the Asthma Center and podcasts.
Apprenticeship Criteria
- Demonstration of a strong interest in a career in academic medicine
- Demonstration of a strong interest in making scholarly contributions including research or medical education
- ATS conference attendance (virtual/in-person) and/or abstract submission
- The applicant is self-motivated and can state how this apprenticeship will help them to meet their career goals
- Applicant embraces and/or adds to the diversity of the ATS leadership
- Updated CV and or NIH biosketch
The deadline to apply is Fri, Jan 24.
Behavioral Science and Health Services Research (BSHSR)
Overarching Goals of the Apprenticeship Program
The Behavioral Science and Health Services Research (BSHSR) Assembly’s Apprenticeship Program is designed to provide early-career Assembly members with an opportunity to be directly involved in guiding the future of ATS. For the purposes of this application, we define “early career” as senior fellows or faculty no more than 3 years from fellowship. Apprentices may serve with either the Program or Planning Committee (descriptions below). Under the mentorship of a committee member, Apprentices will get a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the operations of their Assembly while developing skills for evaluation of committee applications and development of committee projects. This will provide important networking opportunities with current Committee members. Committee Apprentices may have the opportunity to ‘graduate’ into full Committee membership in the year following Apprenticeship.
Description of the Program Committee
The Program Committee organizes the Assembly content for the International Conference.
Program Committee Apprentices participate in the process of designing the International Conference content, learning to evaluate abstract submissions, and program Conference sessions.
Description of the Planning Committee
The Planning Committee is charged with shaping the long-term strategy of the assembly, generally through soliciting and sponsoring projects including clinical practice guidelines, position papers, and workshops benefitting the Assembly.
Planning Committee Apprentices will learn to provide evaluations and reviews of Committee project applications. Apprentices may have the opportunity to assist with the development of accepted project proposals.
Description of the Web Committee
The Web Committee is in charge of the BSHSR Assembly's web content and online presence.
Web Committee apprentice's expectations and responsibilities include assisting Web Director with all Assembly web content. This may include the organization of web activities like journal clubs, podcasts, and social media.
Application Review Criteria
Applications for the BSHSR Apprenticeship Program will be reviewed by the Early Career Professionals Working Group based on the following criteria:
- MD/DO and Ph.D. applicants at the rank of senior fellow, senior postdoc, Instructor, Assistant Professor or a similar level of junior faculty appointment will be considered. Within 5 years of terminal training (post-doctoral training, fellowship, etc.)
- International applicants are welcome and encouraged to apply
- Recommended but not required: Involved in at least one past ATS international conference with presentations with a poster, talk, seminar, or moderating a session
- Committed to participating in the activities and responsibilities assigned by standard membership in designated committee (i.e. reviewing applications for the Program Committee)
- Completed application form
- Updated CV and or NIH Biosketch
- The potential value of the program to the applicant
- Potential to contribute to the committee
- Career interests align with BSHSR Assembly
The deadline to apply is Fri, Jan 24
Critical Care (CC)
Overarching Goals of the Apprenticeship Program
The Critical Care (CC) Assembly’s Apprenticeship Program is designed to provide early career Critical Care Assembly members with an opportunity to be directly involved in guiding the future of ATS. The goals of the CC Assembly Apprenticeship Program are to attract early career professionals and faculty, to increase their involvement in key CC Assembly activities and to improve visibility for early career members within the Assembly. The Apprenticeship offers a mentored, hands-on experience in the CC Assembly leadership and increases early career membership, contributions and networking to Assembly leadership. Under the mentorship of a committee member, Apprentices will get a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the operations of the CC Assembly while developing skills for evaluation of committee applications and development of committee projects. Apprentices may serve with either the Program or Planning Committee (descriptions below).
We will select three apprentices, one each for the Program, Planning, and Web Committees. For their first year, apprentices will serve as observers under the mentorship of their full committee member to understand the operations of the committee. Decisions about ongoing program/planning committee membership beyond one-year will be made by respective committee leadership.
Description of Program Committee
The Program Committee organizes the Critical Care content for the International Conference. There are two apprentice opportunities on the Critical Care Assembly Program Committee.
The Program Committee Apprentice will participate in the process of designing the International Conference content. The apprentice will learn to evaluate scientific abstract submissions and help program Conference sessions.
The Critical Care Program Committee also includes a Subcommittee on Education in Critical Care (SECC), which focuses on medical education programming and case reports. The goals of the SECC are to ensure that the conference content has high educational value for Critical Care providers and trainees, and to provide educational content and opportunities to Critical Care assembly members. Each year, a Program Committee SECC Apprentice will be chosen. The SECC apprentice will learn to evaluate case report abstract submissions and help program medical education and case report conference sessions. They will have the opportunity to develop educational content throughout the year.
For both apprentice opportunities, applicants should be either early career faculty or senior fellows.
Description of Planning Committee
The Planning Committee is charged with shaping the long-term strategy of the assembly, generally through soliciting and sponsoring projects including clinical practice guidelines, position papers, and workshops benefiting the Assembly.
Planning Committee Apprentices will learn to provide evaluations and reviews of Committee project applications. Apprentices may have the opportunity to assist with the development of accepted project proposals.
Description of the Web apprentice
The Web Committee is in charge of the CC Assembly's web content and online presence.
Web Committee apprentice's expectations and responsibilities include assisting Web Director with all Assembly web content. This may include the organization of web activities like journal clubs, podcasts, and social media.
We give preference to “early career” professionals, including senior fellows or junior faculty (Instructor or Assistant Professor) less than three years from fellowship, though applications from junior faculty up to six years from fellowship will be considered. Applicants should have at least two years of membership within ATS and the CC Assembly and have shown active participation in ATS International Conference activities (i.e., poster presentations, talks, seminars, session moderators). Non-physician professionals and international applicants are encouraged to apply.
Key Criteria
Ideal candidates will have demonstrated prior involvement with ATS with a track record of interest in an academic career. Because our goal is to develop future leaders for the CC Assembly, consideration will be given to individuals who demonstrate high potential but who lack strong existing mentorship ties within the CC Assembly through their own institutions.
Apprentices are expected to be proactive and responsive to the activities of their designated (program or planning) committee during their one-year term, including by responding promptly to ATS communication and attending committee meetings (on-site and remote) during their term. Apprentices are representatives of the CC Early Career Professionals Working Group (CC ECPWG) so they must stay engaged with CC ECPWG activities during their term.
The deadline to apply is Fri, Jan 24
Clinical Problems (CP)
Overarching Goals of the Apprenticeship Program
The Clinical Problem (CP) Assembly’s Apprenticeship Program is designed to provide early career Clinical Problems Assembly members with an opportunity to be directly involved in guiding the future of ATS. For the purposes of this application, we define “early career” as senior fellows or early career faculty (i.e. less than 3 years from fellowship), though other applications will be considered. Apprentices may serve with either the Program, Planning or Web Committee (descriptions below). Under the mentorship of a committee member, Apprentices will get a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the operations of the CP Assembly while developing skills for evaluation of committee applications and development of committee projects. This provides important networking opportunities with current Committee members.
Description of Program Committee
The Program Committee organizes the CP content for the International Conference.
Program Committee Apprentices participate in the process of designing the International Conference content, learning how conference sessions for ATS are programmed, and evaluating abstract submissions for poster or oral presentation.
Description of Planning Committee
The Planning Committee is charged with shaping the long-term strategy of the assembly, generally through soliciting and sponsoring projects including clinical practice guidelines, position papers, and workshops benefitting the Assembly.
Planning Committee Apprentices will learn to provide evaluations and reviews of Committee project applications. Apprentices may have the opportunity to assist with the development of accepted project proposals.
Description of the Web apprentice
The Web Committee is in charge of the CP Assembly's web content and online presence.
Web Committee apprentice's expectations and responsibilities include assisting Web Director with all Assembly web content. This may include the organization of web activities like journal clubs, podcasts, and social media.
The deadline to apply is Fri, Jan 24
Environmental, Occupational and Population Health (EOPH)
Overarching Goals of the Apprenticeship Program
The Environmental, Occupational and Population Health (EOPH) Assembly’s Apprenticeship Program is designed to provide early career EOPH Assembly members with an opportunity to be directly involved in guiding the future of ATS. For the purposes of this application, we define “early career” as senior fellows or early career faculty (i.e. less than 3 years from fellowship), though other applications will be considered. Apprentices may serve on the Program, Planning or Web Committee (descriptions below). Under the mentorship of a committee member, Apprentices will get a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the operations of the EOPH Assembly while developing skills for evaluation of committee applications and development of committee projects. This provides important networking opportunities with current Committee members.
Description of Program Committee
The Program Committee organizes the Environmental, Occupational and Population Health content for the International Conference.
Program Committee Apprentices participate in the process of designing the International Conference content, learning how conference sessions for ATS are programmed, and evaluating abstract submissions for poster or oral presentation.
Description of Planning Committee
The Planning Committee is charged with shaping the long-term strategy of the assembly, generally through soliciting and sponsoring projects including clinical practice guidelines, position papers, and workshops benefitting the Assembly.
Planning Committee Apprentices will learn to provide evaluations and reviews of Committee project applications. Apprentices may have the opportunity to assist with the development of accepted project proposals.
Description of the Web apprentice
The Web Committee is in charge of the EOPH Assembly's web content and online presence.
Web Committee apprentice's expectations and responsibilities include assisting Web Director with all Assembly web content. This may include the organization of web activities like journal clubs, podcasts, and social media.
Apprenticeship Requirements
- MD (or equivalent) and Ph.D. applicants at the rank of senior fellow, senior postdoc, Instructor, Assistant Professor or a similar level of junior faculty appointment will be considered. Within 5 years of terminal training (post-doctoral training, fellowship, etc.)
- International applicants are welcome and encouraged to apply
- Involved in at least two past ATS international conferences with presentations with poster, talk, seminar or moderating a session
- Committed to participate in the activities and responsibilities assigned by standard membership in designated committee (i.e. reviewing applications for the Program Committee)
- Strong demonstrated interest in a career in academic medicine, either research or education
- Completed application form
- Updated CV and or NIH Biosketch
- The expectation is to attend the ATS international conference during the term
The deadline to apply is Fri, Jan 24
Nursing (NUR)
Overarching Goals of the Apprenticeship Program
The Nursing (NUR) Assembly’s Apprenticeship Program is designed to provide early career Nursing Assembly members with an opportunity to be directly involved in guiding the future of ATS. Apprentices may serve with either the Program or Planning Committee (descriptions below). Under the mentorship of a committee member, Apprentices will get a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the operations of the Nursing Assembly while developing review skills for evaluation of committee applications and development of committee projects. Apprentices may have the opportunity to ‘graduate’ into full Committee membership in the year following Apprenticeship.
Description of Program Committee
The Program Committee organizes content for the International Conference.
Program Committee Apprentices will participate in the process of designing the International Conference content, learning to evaluate abstract submissions and program Conference sessions.
Description of Planning Committee
The Planning Committee is charged with shaping the long-term strategy of the Assembly, generally through soliciting and sponsoring projects including clinical practice guidelines, position papers, and workshops benefitting both the Assembly and the ATS community.
Planning Committee Apprentices will learn to provide evaluations and reviews of Committee project applications. Apprentices may have the opportunity to assist with the development of accepted project proposals.
Apprenticeship Requirements
Applicants must:
- Apprenticeship applicants must have some research experience as evidenced by previous review of scientific abstracts or grant submissions. Research experience is necessary to allow adequate evaluation of scientific abstracts and program proposals.
- Be in and remain in good standing with the ATS
- Have attended the International ATS Conference at least once in the recent past
- Be willing and able to attend the International ATS Conference for two consecutive years
- Be willing and able to contribute sufficient time monthly to regular conference call meetings
- Be in a postdoctoral/clinical fellowship/ Advanced Practice Nursing position that involves research, or, in an early career stage (no more than 3 years on academic/clinical faculty).
The deadline to apply is Fri, Jan 24
Pediatrics (PEDS)
Overarching Goals of the Apprenticeship Program
The Pediatrics Assembly’s Apprenticeship Program is designed to provide early career Pediatric Assembly members with an opportunity to be directly involved in guiding the future of ATS. Apprentices may serve on the Program, Planning or Web Committee (descriptions below). Under the mentorship of a committee member, Apprentices will get a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the operations of the Pediatrics Assembly while developing skills for evaluation of committee applications and development of committee projects. Committee Apprentices may have the opportunity to ‘graduate’ into full Committee membership in the year following Apprenticeship.
Description of Program Committee
The purpose of the ATS Program Committees is to plan and program the assembly’s sessions for the International Conference. These include:
• Scientific Symposia • Sunrise Seminars• Clinical Topics in Pulmonary Medicine Track • Meet the Professor Seminars• Critical Care Track • Thematic Seminar Series• Workshops • Postgraduate Courses
Assembly Program Committees also review abstracts submitted to their assembly and programs acceptable abstracts into the following formats:
• Mini-Symposia• Poster Discussion Sessions• Thematic Poster Sessions
Program Committee Apprentices participate in the process of designing the International Conference content, learning to evaluate abstract submissions and program Conference sessions.
Description of Planning Committee
The purpose of an Assembly Planning Committee is to develop a long range plan of work for the assembly. The assembly Planning Committees are responsible for reviewing and assisting in the development of New / Renewal assembly projects. Planning Committees provide feedback on proposal development prior to final submission. Planning Committees collaborate with the Documents Committee to assess currency of assembly-initiated documents and in the formulation of an action plan for those documents that need to be updated or archived. Planning Committees also develop and maintain the criteria for the assembly’s awards. Planning Committees review all award nominations and select awardees on a yearly basis.
Planning Committee Apprentices will learn to provide
evaluations and reviews of Assembly/Committee project applications.
Apprentices may have the opportunity to assist with the development of
accepted project proposals.
Description of Web Committee
The purpose of an Assembly Web Committee is to oversee the Assembly's web content and online presence.
Web Committee Apprentices will assist with the Assembly's web content. This may include the organization of web activities like journal clubs, podcasts, and social media.
In order to increase early career participation and engagement in assembly activities, the Assembly on Pediatrics will provide three Apprenticeship positions, one each for the Program, Planning, and Web Committees. We will generally define “early career” as faculty within five years of fellowship, although other applicants may be considered with sufficient justification.
Apprentice must:
•Demonstrate commitment to a career in academic
•Has participated in ATS through abstract submission, attendance in the past 3 years
• Demonstrate commitment to education, research, advocacy, or other scholarship – this could include funding, publications
• Application quality indicates a commitment to the program
• Evidence of self-motivation, ability to complete obligations
• Applicant embraces and/or adds to the diversity of the committee
• Commits to participation required as an apprentice
Selection Process
The PED Early Career Professionals Working Group (PED ECP WG) will review and assess all applications. The PED ECP WG Chair will schedule a phone discussion to review applications and discuss all candidates chosen by any committee member as ranking in the top three for each committee. The committee will come to a consensus through discussion on the top choice and alternates for each position. Apprentices are chosen by the PED Early Career Professionals Working Group (PED ECP WG) Chair.
The deadline to apply is Fri, Jan 24
Pulmonary Circulation (PC)
Overarching Goals of the Apprenticeship Program
The Pulmonary Circulation (PC) Assembly’s Apprentice ship Program is designed to provide early career PC Assembly members with an opportunity to be directly involved in guiding the future of ATS. For the purposes of this application, we define “early career” as senior fellows or early career faculty (i.e. less than 5 years from fellowship), though other applications will be considered. Apprentices may serve on the Program, Planning or Web Committee (descriptions below). Under the mentorship of a committee member, Apprentices will get a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the operations of the PC Assembly while developing skills for evaluation of project applications to learning scoring techniques used to grade abstracts.
Description of Program Committee
The Program Committee organizes the PC content for the International Conference.
Program Committee Apprentices participate in the process of designing the International Conference content, learning how conference sessions for ATS are programmed, and evaluating abstract submissions for poster or oral presentation.
Description of Planning Committee
The Planning Committee is charged with shaping the long-term strategy of the assembly, generally through soliciting and sponsoring projects including clinical practice guidelines, position papers, and workshops benefitting the Assembly.
Planning Committee Apprentices will learn to provide evaluations and reviews of Committee project applications. Apprentices may have the opportunity to assist with the development of accepted project proposals.
Description of the Web apprentice
The Web Committee is in charge of the PC Assembly's web content and online presence.
Web Committee apprentice's expectations and responsibilities include assisting Web Director with all Assembly web content. This may include the organization of web activities like journal clubs, podcasts, and social media.
ATS PC Apprenticeship Program Criteria:
MD (or equivalent) and Ph.D. applicants within 5 years of terminal training (post-doctoral training, fellowship, etc.) will be considered. (Senior fellow, senior postdoc, Instructor, Assistant Professor or a similar level of junior faculty appointment).
- Applicants from all over the world including international candidates are welcome to apply.
- Applicants are self-motivated and can state how this apprenticeship will help them to meet their career goals.
- Applicant has demonstrated a strong interest in pulmonary vascular disease research and/or education.
- Applicant has a strong demonstrated interest in a career in academic medicine or research.
- Applicant has attended previous ATS conferences and/or abstract presentations.
- Applicant appears to have a good work ethic, self-motivating.
- Applicant seeks mentorship or professional ties within the Pulmonary Circulation Assembly.
- Applicant respects and embraces diversity and would add diversity to the ATS leadership.
The deadline to apply is Fri, Jan 24
Pulmonary Infections and Tuberculosis (PI-TB)
Goal of the Apprenticeship Program
In an effort to enhance young members’ participation and investment in the assembly, the PI-TB Apprenticeship Program will provide early career PI-TB members who have little prior involvement in ATS with an opportunity to be directly involved in assembly activities. This will:
- Increase early career member membership on the program and planning committees.
- Involve assembly members who have not been previously involved in assembly business.
Description of the Apprenticeship Program
A request for applications will be sent to all early career PI-TB (primary) members. These applications will be reviewed by the Early Career Working Group and the top four applications to each committee will be forwarded to the Committee Chairs for final selection of two apprentices/year. Special attention will be paid to applicants who have not previously participated in assembly activities, as well as those applicants with non-PI-TB mentors. Apprentices will serve as observers under the mentorship of a full member to better understand the operations of the committee. After observing for one year, the apprentice will then serve as a full voting member for an additional year before rotating off the committee.
Description of Program Committee
The Program Committee organizes the PI-TB content for the International Conference.
Program Committee Apprentices will help design International Conference content and learn to evaluate abstract and conference session submissions.
Description of Planning Committee
The Planning Committee is charged with shaping the long-term strategy of the assembly through soliciting and sponsoring projects. These projects include clinical practice guidelines, position papers, and workshops benefitting the Assembly.
Planning Committee Apprentices will learn to evaluate
Committee project applications. Apprentices may have the opportunity to
assist with the development of accepted project proposals.
Description of the Web apprentice
The Web Committee is in charge of the PI-TB Assembly's web content and online presence.
Web Committee apprentices' expectations and responsibilities include assisting Web Director with all Assembly web content. This may include the organization of web activities like journal clubs, podcasts, and social media
Apprenticeship Criteria
Applicants must:
- Early-career faculty members (Instructor or Assistant Professor level preferred over Fellows or Associate Professors)
- Demonstration of a strong career interest in academic medicine (as evidenced by publications, grants, or scholarly contributions to medical or scientific education)
- Interest in and commitment to ATS and PI-TB (as evidenced by conference attendance, abstract submissions, and/or committee/workgroup participation)
- Contributes to assembly diversity, equity, and inclusion (ex: under-represented minority in medicine or international applicant)
- Enhances opportunities for access to PI-TB leadership (ex: lacks existing mentorship ties within the PI-TB Assembly)
The deadline to apply is Fri, Jan 24
Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR)
Overarching Goals of the Apprenticeship Program
The PR Assembly’s Apprenticeship Program is designed to provide early career PR Assembly members with an opportunity to be directly involved in guiding the future of ATS. Apprentices may serve with the Program, Planning or Web Committee (descriptions below). Under the mentorship of a committee member, Apprentices will get a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the operations of the PR Assembly while developing skills for evaluation of committee applications and development of committee projects. Committee Apprentices may have the opportunity to ‘graduate’ into full Committee membership in the year following Apprenticeship.
Description of Program Committee
The Program Committee organizes the PR content for the International Conference.
Program Committee Apprentices participate in the process of designing the International Conference content, learning to evaluate abstract submissions, and program Conference sessions.
Description of Planning Committee
The Planning Committee is charged with shaping the long-term strategy of the assembly, generally through soliciting and sponsoring projects including clinical practice guidelines, position papers, and workshops benefitting the Assembly.
Planning Committee Apprentices will learn to provide evaluations and reviews of Committee project applications. Apprentices may have the opportunity to assist with the development of accepted project proposals.
Description of the Web apprentice
The Web Committee is in charge of the PR Assembly's web content and online presence.
Web Committee apprentice's expectations and responsibilities include assisting Web Director with all Assembly web content. This may include the organization of web activities like journal clubs, podcasts, and social media.
In an effort to enhance young members’ participation and investment in the assembly, the PR Apprenticeship Program will provide early-career PR members who have little prior involvement in ATS with an opportunity to be directly involved in assembly activities. This will:
- Increase early career member membership on the program, planning, and web committees.
- Involve assembly members who have not been previously involved in Assembly business.
Description of the Apprenticeship Program:
A request for applications will be sent to all early-career PR members. These applications will be reviewed by the Early Career Working Group and the top three applications to each committee will be forwarded to the Committee Chairs for the final selection of one apprentice/year. Special attention will be paid to applicants who have not previously participated in assembly activities. Apprentices will serve as observers under the mentorship of a full member to better understand the operations of the committee. After observing for one year, the apprentice may then have the opportunity to serve as a full voting member for an additional year before rotating off the committee, however, this will depend upon committee requirements.
Requirements for application:
- Demonstration of strong interest in academic medicine
- Has a strong interest in making contributions to research or clinical pulmonary rehabilitation medicine
- Be in the “early career” phase such as senior fellow, junior faculty, post-doc, etc.
- Has attended (in person or virtual) at least 1 ATS conference in the past.
- Has a history of at least 1 past abstract submission
- The applicant is self-motivated and can articulate how this apprenticeship will help them meet their career goals
The deadline to apply is Fri, Jan 24
Respiratory Cell & Molecular Biology (RCMB)
The ATS Assembly’s Apprenticeship Program is a mechanism to provide early career Assembly members with an opportunity to be directly involved in guiding the future of ATS. Apprentices may serve on the Program, Planning and Web Committee. Under the mentorship of a committee member, Apprentices will get a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the operations of their Assembly while developing skills for evaluation of committee applications and development of committee projects.
The primary goals of the RCMB Apprenticeship Program are:
- Attract early-stage junior faculty to become involved in the RCMB Assembly activities
- Retain young scientists in research-focused academic pathways
- Increase visibility for young investigators
- Augment the networking capability of the apprentices and facilitate their progression through assembly ranks
Apprentice Activities (Program committee)
The Program Committee organizes the Assembly content for the International Conference. Apprentices will participate in the process of designing the International Conference content, reviewing abstract submissions and evaluating program Conference sessions.
Apprentice Activities (Planning committee)
The Planning Committee is charged with shaping the long-term strategy of the assembly, generally through soliciting and sponsoring projects including clinical practice guidelines, position papers, and workshops benefitting the Assembly. Apprentices will review IC abstracts and learn to provide evaluations and reviews of Committee project applications. Apprentices may have the opportunity to assist with the development of accepted project proposals.
Apprentice Activities (Web committee)
The Web Committee is in charge of the RCMB Assembly's web content and online presence.
Web Committee apprentice's expectations and responsibilities include assisting Web Director with all Assembly web content. This may include the organization of web activities like journal clubs, podcasts, and social media.
- MD (or equivalent) and Ph.D. applicants at the rank of Instructor, Assistant Professor or a similar level of junior faculty appointment are welcome to apply
- International Applicants are welcome
- Should be a member of RCMB for at least one year (denoted as Primary or Secondary Assembly)
- The awardee must be present at the ATS International Conferences during his/her term and attend the RCMB meeting to accept the award.
Submission Materials:
- Completed application form and a one-page personal statement. Between the application form and the personal statement, please cover (1) the reason for applying to the Apprenticeship program, (2) abilities for collaboration, (3) abilities to accomplish a deliverable, (4) history of participating in ATS activities, and a (5) statement on how you would contribute to diversity initiatives of the Assembly and the ATS.
- Updated CV and/or NIH Biosketch
- One letter of recommendation
- Please merge letters, CV, and personal statement on a single PDF when submitting your application
We look forward to your participation, please contact us with questions or requests for additional information.
The deadline to apply is Fri, Jan 24
Respiratory Structure and Function (RSF)
Overarching Goals of the Apprenticeship Program
The RSF Assembly’s Apprenticeship Program is designed to provide early career RSF Assembly members with an opportunity to be directly involved in guiding the future of ATS. Apprentices may serve with the Program, Planning or Web Committee (descriptions below).
Under the mentorship of a committee member, Apprentices will get a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the operations of the RSF Assembly while developing skills for enhanced leadership. Apprentices may have the opportunity to ‘graduate’ into full Committee membership in the year following Apprenticeship.
Description of Program Committee
The Program Committee organizes all RSF content for the International Conference, including sessions from accepted proposals and abstract-based sessions. They include:
• Scientific Symposia • Sunrise Seminars• Meet the Professor Seminars • Workshops • Postgraduate Courses • Mini-Symposia• Poster Discussion Sessions• Thematic Poster Sessions
Program Committee Apprentices participate in the process
of designing the International Conference content, learning to evaluate
session proposal and abstract submissions and program Conference
Description of Planning Committee
The RSF Planning Committee is charged with shaping the long-term strategy of the assembly, generally through soliciting and sponsoring assembly projects including clinical practice guidelines, position papers, and workshops benefitting the Assembly. The Planning Committee also develops and maintains the criteria for the assembly’s awards, reviews all award nominations, and selects awardees on a yearly basis.
Planning Committee
Apprentices will learn to provide evaluations and reviews of Assembly
project applications. Apprentices may have the opportunity to assist
with the development of accepted project proposals.
Description of Web Committee
The RSF Web Committee is in charge of the Assembly's web content, online presence and provides a mechanism for communication between the RSF leadership and members. They work with the Assembly to identify and populate the site with information and content that is of broad interest to the membership.
Web Committee apprentices expectations and responsibilities include assisting Web Director with Assembly web content. This may include the organization of web activities like journal clubs, podcasts, and social media.
Apprenticeship Applicant Criteria
- Meets criteria for "early career" [senior fellow/senior postdoctoral fellow/junior faculty (Instructor/Assistant Professor < 3 years from fellowship)].
- Strong demonstrated interest in a career in academic medicine, either research or education
- Demonstrated ability to accomplish/provide a deliverable as part of a team
- Committed to participate in the activities and responsibilities as part of a designated committee (e.g. reviewing applications for the Program Committee)
- Prior ATS attendance and abstract presentation, and expectation to attend the ATS international conference during term
- Clear commitment to diversity
- Completed application form
- Updated CV and or NIH Biosketch
- For web-committee: Candidate has an interest in communicating science digitally and/or an interest in science communications
The deadline to apply is Fri, Jan 24
Sleep and Respiratory Neurobiology (SRN)
Overarching Goals of the Apprenticeship Program
The SRN Assembly’s Apprenticeship Program is designed to provide early-career SRN Assembly members with an opportunity to be directly involved in guiding the future of ATS. Apprentices may serve with either the Program, Planning or Web Committee (descriptions below). Under the mentorship of a committee member, Apprentices will get a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the operations of the SRN Assembly while developing skills for evaluation of committee applications and development of committee projects. Committee Apprentices may have the opportunity to ‘graduate’ into full Committee membership in the year following Apprenticeship.
Description of the Program Committee
The Program Committee organizes the SRN content for the International Conference.
Program Committee Apprentices participate in the process of designing the International Conference content, learning to evaluate abstract submissions, and program Conference sessions.
Description of the Planning Committee
The Planning Committee is charged with shaping the long-term strategy of the assembly, generally through soliciting and sponsoring projects including clinical practice guidelines, position papers, and workshops benefitting the Assembly.
Planning Committee Apprentices will learn to provide evaluations and reviews of Committee project applications. Apprentices may have the opportunity to assist with the development of accepted project proposals.
Description of the Web apprentice
The Web Committee is in charge of the SRN Assembly's web content and online presence.
Web Committee apprentices expectations and responsibilities include assisting Web Director with all Assembly web content. This may include the organization of web activities like journal clubs, podcasts, and social media.
Apprenticeship Requirements
Applicants must:
- Either in a postdoctoral fellowship program (medical or research fellow) or in an early career stage (no more than 3 years on faculty)
- Interest in academic sleep medicine and/or scientific investigation
- For the Programming committee: Productivity in scholarly work/ at least some research experience (necessary to allow an adequate evaluation of scientific manuscripts)
- Have attended the International ATS conference at least once in the past, and can commit to attending the ATS meeting for at least 2 consecutive years
- Time commitment for monthly meetings/ ATS involvement
The deadline to apply is Fri, Jan 24
Thoracic Oncology (TO)
General Description
The TO Assembly’s Apprenticeship Program is designed to provide early career TO Assembly members with an opportunity to be directly involved in guiding the future of ATS. The goals of the TO Assembly Apprenticeship Program are to attract early career professionals and faculty, to increase their involvement in key TO Assembly activities, and to improve visibility for early career members within the Assembly.
For the purposes of this application, we define “early career” as senior fellows or junior faculty (Instructor or Assistant Professor) less than 3 years from fellowship or completion of formal training, although applications from others will be considered. Non-physician professionals and international applicants are encouraged to apply. Because our goal is to develop future leaders for the TO Assembly, consideration will be given to individuals who demonstrate high potential but who lack strong existing mentorship ties within the TO Assembly through their own institutions.
Apprentices may serve with either the Program or Planning Committee. Under the mentorship of a committee member, Apprentices will get a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the operations of the TO Assembly while developing skills for evaluation of committee applications and development of committee projects. This will provide important networking opportunities with current Committee members. Committee Apprentices may have the opportunity to ‘graduate’ into full Committee membership in the year following Apprenticeship depending on their dedication and efforts.
Applications will be reviewed by the TO Early Career Working Group and the top-ranking applications will be forwarded to the TO Assembly Committee Chairs for final selection. Special attention will be paid to applicants who have not previously participated in Assembly activities, as well as those applicants with non-TO Assembly mentors.
Description of Program Committee
The Program Committee organizes the TO content for the International Conference, including sessions from accepted proposals and abstract-based sessions.
Program Committee Apprentices participate in the process of designing the International Conference content, learning to evaluate abstract submissions, and program Conference sessions.
Description of Planning Committee
The Planning Committee is charged with shaping the long-term strategy of the Assembly, generally through soliciting and sponsoring projects including clinical practice guidelines, position papers, and workshops benefitting the Assembly.
Planning Committee Apprentices will learn to provide evaluations and reviews of Committee project applications. Apprentices may have the opportunity to assist with the development of accepted project proposals.
Application Review Criteria
Applications for the TO Apprenticeship Program will be reviewed by the Early Career Professionals Working Group based on the following criteria:
- MD (or equivalent) and PhD applicants at the rank of senior fellow, senior postdoctoral fellow, Instructor, or Assistant Professor with 3 years of terminal training, although other applicants will be considered
- Express interest in a career in academic medicine or scientific investigation. Special consideration will be given to applicants with an interest related to thoracic oncology.
- Program Committee applicants must have research experience that would allow for the objective evaluation of scientific manuscripts.
- Be in and remain in good standing with the ATS
- Have attended the International ATS Meeting at least once in the past
- Be able to attend the International ATS Meeting for two consecutive years
- Be able to contribute sufficient time monthly to regular meetings
- Applicant is self-motivated and can state how this apprenticeship will help them to meet their career goals
- Applicant embraces and/or adds to the diversity of the ATS leadership
- Completed application form
- Updated CV and/or NIH biosketch
- One letter of recommendation from a mentor
The deadline to apply is Fri, Jan 24