Flexible bronchoscopy is performed for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in children with a variety of symptoms including chronic cough, recurrent/persistent wheezing, lower respiratory tract infections, hemoptysis, and upper or lower airway obstruction. It is performed by pulmonologists, otolaryngologists, intensivists, and surgeons. While several courses and textbooks on pediatric flexible bronchoscopy are available, training in these procedures occurs primarily during the physician's specialty or subspecialty graduate medical education training. There is no dedicated resource for trainees or practicing physicians seeking continuous medical education to support and enhance their flexible bronchoscopy knowledge.
The ATS Pediatric Bronchoscopy Library project aims to:
- Develop an archived online library of peer-reviewed clinical vignettes accompanied by pediatric flexible bronchoscopy images/videos illustrating upper and lower airway pathology, airway anatomical variants, airway dynamics and advanced diagnostic and interventional procedures.
Providing access to high-quality images and video of flexible bronchoscopy is an effective means of exposing clinicians to the full breadth of upper and lower airway pathology and advances in diagnostic and therapeutic techniques utilizing flexible bronchoscopy in children. Development of this online indexed archive provides clinicians and trainees an opportunity to share their experience and learn from the collective experience of ATS members. - Engage pediatric pulmonologists through invited expert commentary on these clinical vignettes and through an interactive discussion forum linked to each vignette (via Doc Matters).
While cases may demonstrate interesting or rare airway abnormalities, learning is enhanced through commentary from experts in the field who may discuss important points about performing flexible bronchoscopy and making the correct diagnosis. Experts may also choose to discuss management options for airway abnormalities identified in case vignettes, focusing on different options for management when standards of care are not defined. ATS members will benefit from having a forum for each case vignette to ask questions and engage in discussion on the case. This may be especially beneficial to physicians managing children with similar findings as those described in the case vignettes.
ATS members are encouraged to share their experience here by submitting cases. All cases will be peer-reviewed and assessed for quality of writing, image/video and teaching points. Once approved, each case will be assigned to a content expert who will write a brief editorial to be published alongside the case on the ATS Pediatric Assembly website.
Consider checking out this incredible resource from Dr. Wood who has developed and compiled bronchoscopy content in the form of teaching videos.
Joseph Piccione, D.O., M.S. and Dan Bescoter, DO, MS