What's New
- Early Career Professional Highlight Feb 2025: Catherine Gao, MD MS
- Critical Care Assembly ECPWG Virtual Grand Rounds
- Transitioning from Fellowship to Faculty at a New Institution
- Early Career Professional Highlight: Bhushan H. Katira, MBBS, PhD, DNB
Welcome Message

Assembly Chair
C. Terri Hough, MD, MSc
Welcome to the website of the Critical Care Assembly.
Our assembly is the largest Assembly of the American Thoracic Society with 6230 primary and secondary members. Our membership consists of a diverse group of adult and pediatric intensivists and other allied health care professionals involved in the care of the critically ill patients. The primary goal of the Assembly is to improve the care of the critically ill through education, research, and professional development.
The Assembly has Four Standing Committees:
The Planning Committee is responsible for seeing the long-term strategy of our Assembly. It is the place where members can have an input into future projects and activities.
The Program Committee is responsible for organizing the Critical Care Program of the International Conference.
The Nominating Committee is responsible for nominating candidates for Chair of International Program Committee and Chair of the Critical Care Assembly.
The Executive Committee provides oversight for all assembly functions.
Our assembly welcomes and actively supports new fellows and investigators. Check out our Journal Club and Podcasts. We welcome you to browse the pages of our website for further information about the other departments.
Thank you for our interest in the Critical Care Assembly. Your input and feedback is always welcome. You contact us at cc@thoracic.org. We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you at our Assembly meeting.
Interested in joining the CC Assembly?
Send an email to membership@thoracic.org to join.