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Ethics and COI

Disclosure for Journal Manuscripts


Disclosure for ATS Journal contributors (manuscript authors and co-authors) is manuscript-specific and involves a unique process (NOT the ATS COI Website questionnaire used for other ATS activities requiring disclosure). Click the following link to the ATS Journals manuscript site to obtain the ICMJE form (the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors form used by many major journals) and instructions for completing it and submitting it to ATS Journals staff: Once there, click on "Resources", then "Instructions & Forms". If you have additional questions about disclosure for ATS Journals, contact Marc Bendian, Peer Review Manager, at or 212-315-8623.

Disclosure by ATS Journal editors, deputy editors, associate editors or other members of journal editorial boards in relation to that role is NOT through the manuscript-specific ICMJE form, but through the ATS COI Website and its annual online ATS COI questionnaire. Follow the instructions at Disclosure for Activities Other than Journals.