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Mission Statement

The Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology Assembly exists to promote the long-range goal of the ATS to decrease morbidity and mortality from respiratory disorders and life-threatening acute illnesses through an improved understanding of the biological basis of lung disease. The scope of the assembly includes all scientists studying cell and molecular biology of the lung, including normal developing and pathologic processes and genetic determinants of lung disease.

Enhancing our knowledge of the biological basis of lung disease will be approached in several ways.


Promote the attainment of fundamental new knowledge pertaining to the cellular and molecular functions of the normal lung and the pathogenesis of lung disease through high quality biomedical research using state-of-the-art techniques. Encourage programs that increase funding for research and training.


Promote the education of current and future generations of respiratory cell and molecular biologists. Foster the development of physician-scientists to bring state-of-the-art breakthroughs in biomedical research to adult and pediatric pulmonary and critical care medicine. Encourage mechanisms for disseminating new information relating to the biologic basis for lung diseases to practicing physicians and to the general public. Encourage programs that increase funding for related educational programs.


Promote interactions with other assemblies that bring together scientists with common goals in order to synergize our efforts.


Goals: Support and enhance high-quality basic investigation of the cellular and molecular basis of the lung in health and disease.

Objectives: Identify critical areas of lung research that will benefit from cutting edge cellular and molecular approaches.

  • Advocate efforts to improve research funding for cellular and molecular approaches to understanding the basis of lung disease.
  • Develop the means to encourage more basic scientists to engage in lung research and participate in the assembly.
  • Encourage potential physician-scientists to pursue basic investigation of lung disease using state-of-the-art cellular and molecular techniques.


Goals: Promote the training of current and future generations of respiratory cell and molecular biologists. Encourage the dissemination of new information related to advancing our understanding of lung disease to practicing physicians and the public.


  • Support programmatic formats at the national meeting that foster the interactions of cell and molecular biologists and allow for the exchange of new scientific information.
  • Promote training programs for educating young investigators and encouraging the development of future cell and molecular biologists.
  • Promote state-of-the-art educational programs to allow the transfer of breakthrough technology to the lung community.
  • Advocate efforts to improve funding for educational programs relating to cellular and molecular approaches to understanding the basis of lung disease.


Goals: Foster interactions with other ATS assemblies that promote the attainment of improved understanding of the cellular and molecular basis of lung disease and allow for groups with common interests to benefit from diverse approaches to the study of lung disease.


Promote the co-sponsoring of research and educational programs at the national meeting that will foster interaction among assemblies.