What's New
Welcome Message

Assembly Chair
Margaret Carno, PhD, CPNP, ATSF, MBA, RN
Welcome to the ATS Assembly on Nursing website. It is an honor to
serve as the chair of the Assembly on Nursing for the next two years
The Nursing Assembly is represented globally with
national and international members. Members include scholars,
clinicians, and educators within nursing or other health professions.
The breadth of the work of the assembly is undergirded by experts who care for and conduct research to address the needs of populations
across the lifespan, clinical settings, and geographic boundaries within
the areas of sleep, critical care, and respiratory health. Members also
hold special interest and expertise in areas such as telehealth, health
information technology, health care transitions, disease
self-management, mental health, health behavior, rehabilitation, patient
and family education, integrative therapies, occupational health,
palliative care, end-of-life care and research methods to name a few.
Our common interest is to improve the health of patients, families, and
communities through research, practice, education, training, and
advocacy. Our assembly currently has two active interest groups related
to integrative therapies and supplemental oxygen. We also have a working
group for early career professionals.
While many Assembly
members are nurses, we welcome anyone who is interested in building
interprofessional collaborations and/or shares our passion for
excellence in research, teaching, advocacy, and patient care to
designate our assembly as their primary or secondary assembly of choice.
Membership structure and fees can be found on the ATS website and include trainee memberships for those pursuing an advanced degree.
invite all members to get involved with the Nursing Assembly and ATS
committees and projects. Your involvement will provide additional
opportunities for professional development and foster connections with
researchers, scholars, and clinicians in your field.
I look
forward to working with our current members and welcoming future members
to our assembly. Feel free to contact any member of the Executive
Committee with your questions, feedback, or to express interest in a
committee or working group. I also encourage you to register in the Get Involved Database for further information on active engagement in ATS!
Thank you for your interest in the Nursing Assembly. We look forward to an exciting future and encourage your participation. For more information about the Assembly contact us at nur@thoracic.org.