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Council of Chapter Representatives

Chair, Utah Sarah Beesley, MD, MSc
Chair-Elect, South Carolina Edward Kilb, MD
Secretary, Colorado Kenneth E. Lyn-Kew, MD
Immediate Past Chair, California Ni-Cheng Liang, MD, ATSF


California Nicholas A. Kolaitis, MD, MS
D.C. Metro Robin L. Gross, MD
Indiana   Sarah E. Bauer, MD
Louisiana Kevin D. Reed, MD
Oklahoma  Cory D. Cross, MD
Oregon Svetlana Kotova, MD
Massachusetts Sydney B. Montesi, MD
Michigan Samya Z. Nasr, MD, ATSF
Mississippi George E. Abraham, MD
New Mexico Hayley P. Israel, MHS
New Jersey Jag Sunderram, MD, ATSF
New York Manoj J. Mammen, FACP, ATSF
North Carolina Chad A. Kloefkorn, MD
Washington, Hawaii, and Alaska  Kathleen L. Horan, MD


ATS chapters further the purposes of the Society within the United States at a state or multi-state level. Each chapter represents a state or small group of states. Chapters must hold a scientific and business meeting each year. Each chapter elects a representative to the Council of Chapter Representatives, which provides a national forum to address issues that are of relevance to the chapters. Chapter representatives represent the concerns of their members to the Council. The Council leadership represents these concerns to the ATS Board of Directors. Chapter representatives should report on the activity of the Council and the ATS to their chapters and should promote the ATS within the chapters. In addition, they should seek opportunities to improve the performance of all chapters and develop more chapters.

  Benchmarks, 2024- 2025

  1. Provide education for medical professionals through chapter educational meetings.
  2. Actively engage junior professionals in chapter and ATS activities at the local and national level.
  3. Form new chapters to broaden opportunities for local medical education and the ATS and chapter presence.
  4. Increase the value of ATS membership for clinicians and investigators in the ATS through chapter initiatives.
  5. Promote awareness and the value of chapters within the ATS.
  6. Support and participate in ATS advocacy initiatives at the local and national level.