Name of questionnaire | Self Efficacy in Sleep apnea (SEMSA) |
Type of questionnaire-description,age | Disease-specific measure of pretreatment expectancies regarding OSA and CPAP treatment in adults. Designed to assess adherence-related cognitions. |
Number of items | 26-item |
Number of domains & categories | 3 subscales |
Name of categories/domains | Risk perception, outcome expectancies, and treatment self-efficacy |
Scaling of items | 1 to 4: Higher scores indicate greater perceived self-efficacy, greater perceived response efficacy, and higher perceived susceptibility |
Scoring available: with permission or free | With permission from developer |
Scoring test-retest reliability | Yes, r=0.68 for Perceived Risk; 0.77 for Outcome Expectancies; and 0.71 for Treatment Self-Efficacy |
Scoring Internal consistency | Yes, Cronbach alpha for total score= 0.92 |
Validity | Yes, Content validity by a panel of judges |
Available forms (short and/or long etc.) | SEMSA (long form) and SEMSA-15 (short form in French) |
Language | English |
Translations in other languages (if yes, then list the languages) | Yes, Chinese, French, Spanish |
Developer name | Terri Weaver, PhD, RN, FAAN, et al |
Developer contact information | University of Illinois at Chicago 845 S. Damen Ave., M/C 802 Rm 118 Chicago, IL 60612 |
Availability of questionnaire: needs permission from developer, cost or freely available | Use with permission from developer |
Limitations | Long questionnaire; a shorter version, SEMSA-15 in French |
Link to the questionnaire (if available) | Not available |
Other comments | Has strong psychometric properties and has the potential for identifying patient perceptions that may indicate those most likely to not adhere to treatment |
Patient populations in who questionnaire has been validated | Clinic-based patients with OSA |
References (including original publication, validity and reliability in different countries/languages, populations and long/short versions) | 1. Weaver TE, Maislin G, Dinges DF, Younger J, Cantor C, McCloskey S, Pack AI. Self-efficacy in sleep apnea: instrument development and patient perceptions of obstructive sleep apnea risk, treatment benefit, and volition to use continuous positive airway pressure. Sleep. 2003 Sep;26(6):727-32. doi:10.1093/sleep/26.6.727. PMID: 14572127. 2. Lai AY, Fong DY, Lam JC, Weaver TE, Ip MS. Linguistic and psychometric validation of the Chinese version of the self-efficacy measures for sleep apnea questionnaire. Sleep Med. 2013 Nov;14(11):1192-8. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2013.04.023. 3. Micoulaud-Franchi JA, Coste O, Bioulac S, Guichard K, Monteyrol PJ, Ghorayeb I, Weaver TE, Weibel S, Philip P. A French update on the Self-Efficacy Measure for Sleep Apnea (SEMSA) to assess continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) use. Sleep Breath. 2019 Mar;23(1):217-226. doi: 10.1007/s11325-018-1686-7. 4. Lucile D, Bioulac S, Coste O, Kelly G, Monteyrol P, Ghorayeb I, Philip P, Micoulaud Franchi JA. Proposition of a Shortened Version of the Self-efficacy Measure for Sleep Apnea (SEMSA-15): Psychometric Validation and Cut-Off Score for CPAP Adherence. Sleep and Vigilance 2020 June; 4(1). doi:10.1007/s41782-020-00083-8 5. Galeano, EMM. Validez y confiabilidad del instrumento SEMSA “Medición de la autoeficacia percibida en apnea del sueño” (Perceived self-efficacy measure for sleep apnea). Versión en español. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Enfermería. Bogotá, Colombia. 2014. |
Updated by | Bilgay Izci Balserak, Ms PhD |
The last date of update | May 2021 |