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Sleep Disorders Questionnaire

Name of questionnaire Sleep Disorders Questionnaire (SDQ)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea subscale od the SDQ (SDQ-SA)
Type of questionnaire- Measures sleep disturbance and usual sleep habits during the past 6 months
Number of items SDQ: 176- items; 4 subscales: sleep apnea (SA), narcolepsy (NAR), periodic limb movement disorder (PLM), psychiatric (PSY)

SDQ-SA: 12 items including body mass index
Number of categories/ domains Sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, use of sleeping medications, daytime dysfunction
Name of categories/domains Sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep
efficiency, sleep disturbances, use of sleeping medications, and
daytime dysfunction
Scaling of items 0-5
Scoring available: Free under Creative Commons copyright or with developer
Scoring test-retest reliability Yes
Scoring Internal consistency Yes
Validity Yes, clinical evaluation and polysomnography
Language English
Translations in other languages French, German, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Turkish
Developer name Alan Douglass, MD
Developer contact information

Availability of questionnaire Free under Creative Commons copyright or with developer
Limitations SDQ: Long questionnaire with testing time of 30 minutes; PLM scale had poorest sensitivity and specificity.
Link to the questionnaire Not available; contact developer
Other comments Can be used as screening tool for patients with epilepsy, alcoholism, Parkinson’s disease, and cerebrovascular illness.

Stand- alone version of SDQ-SA available SDQ-PSY primarily addressed insomnia symptoms

References (including original publication)
  1. Douglass AB, Bornstein R, Nino-Murcia G, et al. The Sleep Disorders Questionnaire. I: Creation and multivariate structure of SDQ. Sleep 1994;17:160-7.
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Reviewer Iris A. Perez, MD
January 2022