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Epworth Sleepiness Scale for Children and Adolescents (ESS-CHAD)

Name of questionnaire Epworth Sleepiness Scale for Children and Adolescents (ESS-CHAD)
Type of questionnaire-description,age Multi-item questionnaire which asks the child (or parent of the child) to rate their chances of falling asleep during various normal daily activities.
Number of items 8 items
Number of domains & categories 1
Name of categories/domains Propensity to fall asleep during daytime situations
Scaling of items 4-point Likert scale (0-3)
Scoring available: with permission or free Free for individual users and non-funded academic research
Scoring test-retest reliability Strong (interclass correlation coefficient 0.89 for 29 adolescents)
Scoring Internal consistency Cronbach's alpha=0.73 for adolescents
Validity Internally validated in adolescents; more research needed for younger populations
Language English
Translations in other languages (if yes, then list the languages) Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish
Developer name Dr. Murray W Johns
Developer contact information

Address: Mapi Resarch Trust,
27 Rue de la villette
69003, Lyon
Phone: +33 (0) 4 7213 6575
Fax: +33 (0) 4 7213 6682
Availability of questionnaire Copyright MW Johns, 1990, 2015; available with license from the creator, free for individual users and non-funded academic research, fee for funded research
Limitations Relies on patient ability to understand and answer questions

Parent may need to answer questions for the child
Link to the questionnaire (if available)
Other comments
References (including original publication) Johns MW. A new method for measuring daytime sleepiness: the Epworth sleepiness scale. Sleep. 1991 Dec;14(6):540-5

Johns MW. Reliability and factor analysis of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Sleep. 1992 Aug;15(4):376-81

Benmedjahed K, Wang YG, Lambert J, Evans C, Hwang S, Black J, Johns MW. Assessing sleepiness and cataplexy in children and adolescents with narcolepsy: a review of current patient-reported measures. Sleep Med. 2017 Apr;32:143-149.

Janssen KC, Phillipson S, O'Connor J, Johns MW. Validation of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale for Children and Adolescents using Rasch analysis. Sleep Med. 2017 May;33:30-35.
Updated by February 2020
The last date of update Melissa Maloney