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Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ)

Name of questionnaire Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ)
Type of questionnaire-description,age Parent-reported screening survey designed to assess behaviorial and medically based sleep problems in school children, aged 4-10 years
Number of items 35
Number of domains & categories 8
Name of categories/domains Bedtime resistance, sleep onset delay, sleep duartion, sleep anxiety, night wakings, parasomnias, sleep disordered breathing, daytime sleepiness
Scaling of items 1-3 point scale
Scoring available: with permission or free Information not available; form available at:
Scoring test-retest reliability Yes, .62 –.79
Scoring Internal consistency For entire CSHQ, Chronbach’s alpha = 0.68 to 0.78
Validity Content validity; ROC=.41, distinguishes between clinical and control groups; sensitivity=.80,specificity=.72
Available forms (short and/or long etc.) SF-CSHQ (23 items; validated in 24-66 month olds, in addition to 4-10 year olds; threshold score of 30 had correlations of 0.90-0.94 with the original cut-off)
Language English
Translations in other languages (if yes, then list the languages) Chinese, Dutch, Hebrew, Portuguese, Spanish
Developer name Judith Owens
Developer contact information Judith A. Owens, MD, MPH. Director, Center for Pediatric Sleep Disorders, Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School; Boston Children’s Hospital, Dept. of Neurology, 9 Hope Ave., Waltham, MD, 02453, Tel: 781.216.2596. Fax: 781.216.2517. E-mail:
Availability of questionnaire: needs permission from developer, cost or freely available Information not available, contact author
Limitations Parent-reported, based on recall over a short time period of one week; may be less relevant in older children
Link to the questionnaire (if available) Not available
Other comments Useful as a screening tool only, not diagnostic.
Patient populations in who questionnaire has been validated Also tested in a younger age group 24-66 months old; higher scores in children with ADHD, pervasive developmental disorders, and juvenile arthritis
References (including original publication, validity and reliability in different countries/languages, populations and long/short versions)
  1. Owens JA, Spirito A, McGuinn M. The children’s sleep habits questionnaire (CSHQ): psychometric properties of a survey instrument for school-aged children. Sleep 2000, Dec 15;23(8):1043-51
  2. Honomichl RD, Goodlin-Jones BL, Burnham M, Gaylor E, Anders TF. Sleep patterns of children with pervasive developmental disorders. J Aut Dev Disord 2002, Dec;32(6):553-61
  3. Owens JA, Maxim R, Nobile C, McGuinn M, Msall M. Parental and self-report of sleep in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2000 Jun;154(6):549-55
  4. Duraccio KM, Carbine KA, Barnett KA, Stevens KS, Jensen CD. The utility of the children’s sleep habits questionnaire: associations between parental report and an objective measure of sleep behavior. Childr Health Care 2018;27(2):119-35
  5. Markovich AN, Gendron MA, Corkum PV. Validating the children’s sleep habits questionnaire against polysomnography and actigraphy in school-aged children. Frontiers Psychiatry 2015, Jan;5(Article188):1-10 doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2014.00188
  6. Goodlin-Jones BL, Sitnick SL, Tang K, Liu J, Anders T. The children’s sleep habits questionnaire in toddlers and preschool children. J Devel Behav Peditr 2008 Apr;29(2):82-8
  7. Ladesma DL. A Spanish version of the children’s sleep habits questionnaire (CSHQ). Electronic Theses, Projects and Dissertations 2014 Jun;89.
  8. Alfonso MA, Martinez MMB, Chacon LMM, Naranjo JEG. Validation to Spanish version of the children’s sleep habits questionnaire. Revista Cub Pediatr 2019;91(2):e518
  9. Loureiro HC, Pinto TR, Pinto JC, Pinto HR, Paiva T. Validation of the children’s sleep habits questionnaire and the sleep self-report for Portuguese children. Sleep Sci 2013;6(4):151-58
  10. Bonuck KA, Goodlin-Jones BL, Schechter C, Owens J. Modified children’s sleep habits questionnaire for behavioral sleep problems: a validation study. Sleep Health J 2017 Jun;3(3):136-41
Updated by

Mickey C Harrison, DDS

The last date of update November 2020