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Oral Nitrate Suplementation to Enhance Pulmonary Rehabilitation in COPD: ON-EPIC a Multicentre, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomised Parallel Group Study

Webinar Date: Tuesday March 16, 2021

Dr Bryan Ross (Respirologist and Assistant professor, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Canada)

Dr. Matt Pavitt (National heart and Lung Institute, Royal Brompton Campus, Imperial College, London, UK).

Professor Mick Steiner (Professor in Respiratory Medicine and Honorary Consultant, Department of Respiratory Sciences, University of Leicester, UK)

Dr. Claire Nolan (Senior Research Physiotherapist Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust and Imperial College, UK and ATS Web Editor)

Dr. Enya Daynes (Specialist Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Research Physiotherapist, University Hospitals of Leicester, UK)