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Outpatient Respiratory Management of Infants, Children, and Adolescents with Post-Prematurity Respiratory Disease. An Official American Thoracic Society Clinical Practice Guideline

Webinar date: April 12, 2022


Dr. Anne Coates (Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital, Portland ME)
Dr. Maria Santiago (Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New York)
Dr. Mitzi Go (Oregon Health and Science University)


Dr. A. Ioana Cristea (Riley Hospital for Children)
Dr. Christopher Baker (University of Colorado Denver)


Dr. Clement Ren (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia)
Dr. Anastassios C. Koumbourlis (Children’s National Medical Center)
Dr. Steven Abman (Children’s Hospital of Colorado)
Dr. Michael Creighton Tracy (Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital)
Dr. Erica Mandell (Children’s Hospital of Colorado)