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ATS 2021 Pulmonary Circulation Assembly Abstract Awardees - Part 1 & 2

Webinar date
August 30, 2021

ATS 2021 Pulmonary Circulation Assembly Abstract Awardees - Part 1

We are pleased to feature this year’s ATS Conference Pulmonary Circulation Abstract Awardees, highlighting some of the latest exciting research in the field.

Jason Elinoff, MD


Joel James, PhD (University of Arizona): Aminopeptidase-N Triggers Uncontrolled Proliferation of Pulmonary Artery Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

Mathews V. Varghese, PhD (University of Arizona): Role of MKK3/p38 Axis in Free Heme Induced Cytokine Storm and Pulmonary Hypertension

Reece P. Stevens, BS (University of South Alabama): The Proteoglycan-like and Intracellular Domains of Carbonic Anhydrase IX Mediate Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cell Migration and Angiogenesis

Sasha Prisco, MD, PhD (University of Minnesota): Inhibition of With-No-Lysine Kinase (WNK) Improves Right Ventricular Function by Combatting Glucotoxicity

Yuanjun Shen, PhD (UC Davis): Smooth Muscle Tsc2 Deficiency Leads to Early Onset of Spontaneous Pulmonary Hypertension and Represents Attractive Molecular Target for Therapeutic Intervention

Georgios Triantafyllou, MD (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center): Mitochondria Targeted Reactive Oxygen Species Scavenging with MitoTEMPO Improves Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension in a Novel Rat Model of Combined Pre- and Post-Capillary Pulmonary Hypertension


Dr. Micheala Aldred (Professor of Medicine, Indiana University)
Dr. Jarrod Barnes (Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Alabama-Birmingham)
Dr. Rachel Damico (Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University)

Webinar date
September 24, 2021

ATS 2021 Pulmonary Circulation Assembly Abstract Awardees - Part 2

We are pleased to feature this year’s ATS Conference Pulmonary Circulation Abstract Awardees, highlighting some of the latest exciting research in the field.

Jason Elinoff, MD


Nicholas Shelburne, MD (Vanderbilt University): Sex Based Differences in Right Ventricular. Function in Early Pulmonary Hypertension

Ines Marongiu, MD (University of Milan): Inhaled CO2 Prevents Bilateral Lung Injury Induced by Unilateral Pulmonary Artery Ligation

Clare Prohaska, MD (Indiana University): RASA3 as a Novel Candidate Gene in Sickle Cell Disease-associated Pulmonary Hypertension and Group 1 Pulmonary Hypertension

Hannah Oakland, MD (Yale University): Characteristic Impedance Affects Global Right Ventricular Function in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction

Jeff Min, MD (University of Pennsylvania): Insulin Resistance is Associated with Right Ventricular Dysfunction: The MESA Study


Dr. Corey Ventetuolo (Associate Professor of Medicine, Brown University)
Dr. Jane Leopold (Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School)
Dr. Stephen Mathai (Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University)