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Proposed Division of Lung Disease Reorganization

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has announced a proposal to reorganize the Division of Lung Disease. The proposed reorganization aims to ensure effective oversight, alignment of expertise, and translation of knowledge within and across research areas in the lung disease field. It establishes a new branch structure that will strategically position leadership over DLD programs, balance workload, and enhance depth/succession planning for ingrained operational sustainability. The four branches include:

  • Acute and Infectious Lung Disease Branch
  • Lung Development and Pediatric Diseases Branch
  • Obstructive Lung Diseases
  • Restrictive and Vascular Lung Diseases

There will be no impact on the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research.

“The ATS appreciates the NHLBI’s tremendous efforts to coordinate the growth of the DLD over the past decade, and to increase collaboration between the DLD and our membership. Given their tremendous successes with these growth efforts, we welcome the DLD’s restructuring plans to improve agency infrastructure and efficiency in supporting our investigators. We look forward to learning more about DLD’s plans and communicating them to our members in the near future,” said Tom Mariani, PhD, chair of ATS Research Advocacy Committee.