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House Appropriations Committee Cuts EPA funding and Includes Policy Riders

In related news, the House Appropriations Committee passed the Interior and Environment bill, which includes funding for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The House Appropriations Committee cut the EPA funding by $3.9 billion – including $1.4 billion cuts to EPA climate and environmental justice programs – and inserted several legislative riders that, if enacted, will constrain the EPA’s authority to address air pollution and climate change. Problematic policy riders include:

  • Language to prevent federal agencies from using funds to purchase electric vehicles or assist in developing an electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
  • Language blocking the EPA from issuing rules to reduce mercury and air toxic emissions from power plants.
  • Language blocking the EPA from issuing rules to reduce carbon emissions from power plants.
  • Language blocking the EPA from issuing rules to reduce carbon emissions from cars, light trucks, and heavy-duty vehicles.
  • Language urging the EPA not to move forward with rules to reduce methane emissions until concerns about third-party emissions testing can be addressed.

Individually and collectively, the legislative riders would prevent the EPA from effectively responding to climate change and take action to reduce carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions.