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House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittee Provide Increase for VA Research Funding

In June, the House and Senate Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee both provided $938 million (+$22 million) for the VA Medical and Prosthetic Research Program for fiscal 2024. Further, Congress also noted its intent to provide an additional $40+ million to the VA research program through the new Cost of War Toxic Exposure Fund created by the recently enact PACT Act. Details of the toxic exposure fund support of the VA research program have yet to be finalized. 

The ATS, through its leadership in the Friends of VA Medical Care and Health Research coalition (FOVA), played a lead role in advocating for increased research funding for the VA research program. The ATS will continue to support increases in the VA research program as Congress continues its work with fiscal 2024 appropriations bills.