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EPA Final Good Neighbor Rule to Reduce Cross State Emission of Ozone Pollution

This week, the EPA issued a final rule that will require 23 states to take steps to reduce NOx emissions, a precursor of ozone pollution, to address cross state ozone pollution in neighboring states. The final rule, called the Good Neighbor Rule – places NOx emissions requirements on power plants and other industry sources to prevent the “downwind” transport of ozone pollution to neighboring states. Under the Clean Air Act, states are required to reduce emission of air pollutants that cross state lines and prevent neighboring states from meeting Clean Air Act standards. 

The Good Neighbor plan requires power plants and other industrial sources to install and consistently operate currently available pollution-control technologies.  "Too many states have been unwilling to require their largest power plants, and other major emission sources, to use commonly available pollution control technology to reduce air pollution,” said ATS member Kevin Cromar, PhD.  "With this action, the EPA is fulfilling their responsibility to make sure that the largest point sources of pollution are using proven and cost-effective technologies to reduce emissions that contribute to excess pollution and health risks in downwind states."

When fully implemented, the Good Neighbor rule will significantly reduce NOx emissions and ozone formation cross the U.S. and improve air quality for millions of Americans.  The ATS submitted oral and written testimony in support of EPA action on the Good Neighbor rule.