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Congress Advances International TB Control Legislation

With bipartisan support, the House Foreign Affairs Committee approved the End Tuberculosis Now Act (H.R. 1776) introduced by Reps. Ami Bera (D-CA-6) and Maria Elvia Salazar (R-FL-27).  Parallel legislation has been introduced in the Senate by Senators Bob Menendez (D-New Jersey) and Todd Young (R-Indiana).

The bill directs the U.S. government to update its strategies to address tuberculosis with innovative diagnostics, therapies, and vaccines, and to better align with the World Health Organization (WHO) End TB Strategy. The legislation calls for more robust coordination with the Stop TB Partnership and the Global Fund, and among U.S. agencies providing bilateral tuberculosis assistance. The legislation also requires annual reports to Congress about tuberculosis-related foreign assistance and the development of new technologies, in addition to regular evaluations by the Government Accountability Office.

Enactment of the TB bill is a legislative priority for the ATS.  During this year’s ATS International Conference in Washington, D.C., many ATS members visited their members of Congress to express support for the END TB Now Act and urged Congress to enact the legislation.  The ATS appreciates the efforts of the many ATS members who created constituent support to help move this bill through Congress.