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Biden Unveils FY 2024 Budget Request – Provides Uneven Increases for NIH Institutes

On March 9, President Biden submitted his fiscal year 2024 budget proposal to Congress. While complete budget details will not be available until next week, topline funding recommendations are available for key programs of interest to the ATS membership.

National Institutes of Health – the budget proposes $46.3 billion for NIH, an increase of $275 million. The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPAH), an independent research agency within NIH received a proposed budget of $2.5 billion, an increase of $1 billion. Unlike previous Administration budgets that provided increases to all Institutes, with one or two receiving special emphasis, President Biden recommends level funding to most Institutes while providing large increases to ARPAH and NCI.

Below are proposed funding levels for Institutes of interest to the ATS community:

  • NHLBI – proposed $3.985 billion, level funding
  • NIAID – proposed $6.562 billion, level funding
  • NIEHS – proposed $939 million, +$25 million
  • NINR – proposed $198, level funding
  • NIGM – proposed $3.240, level funding
  • NCI – proposed $7.820 billion + $503 million

“While I appreciate the increased funding President Biden has provided NIH, I am concerned the proposed budget does not provide increases for all NIH programs at a level that will sustain existing opportunities for advances in health,” says Tom Mariani, PhD, vice-chair of the ATS Research Advocacy Committee. “I hope Congress will distribute NIH increases more equitably.”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – the budget proposes $19.5 billion for the CDC, an increase of $5.0 billion over current funding, with several respiratory related programs that the CDC recommended for increases including HIV/AIDS, STI and TB Prevention program, National Center for Environmental Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, as well as climate programs. Unfortunately, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health was provided level funding.

Environmental Protection Agency – the budget proposes $11.9 billion for the EPA, an increase of $2.7 billion. The budget proposed significant increase for clean air and climate-related programs.

VA Medical Research - the budget proposes $938 million for the VA Medical and Prosthetics Research Program, an increase of $22 million.

The Biden Administration includes a number of other policy priorities including:

Expanding the Health Care Workforce

The FY 2024 budget provides $2.7 billion to HRSA workforce programs, including $947 million in mandatory resources, to expand workforce capacity across the country. The budget also includes $106 million within CDC to support public health training and fellowship programs to support a pipeline of personnel ready to address public health threats.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Private Insurance - The FY 2024 budget permanently extends the enhanced premium tax credits that were extended through 2025 in the Inflation Reduction Act.

Medicare Solvency - The FY 2024 budget proposes new tax revenue sources and drug reform savings that extend the solvency of the Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund by at least 25 years.

Release of the President’s budget is the first step in the long federal budget process.  The action now moves to Congress , where  the House and Senate will likely make significant changes to budget priorities outlined in the Biden budget.