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ATS Urges Action on Ozone Transport Rule

This week, ATS staff participated in a meeting with Biden Administration officials to urge swift action on a final rule to reduce levels of ozone, generated in one state that migrate to a neighboring state. Under the Clean Air Act, states are required to control ozone emissions and their precursors, to protect public health.  States are also required to control emissions within their state that migrate to neighboring states.  Should states fail to develop appropriate plans to reduce emissions, the EPA is empowered to develop and enforce emissions reductions plans in states that fail to meet their obligations under the Clean Air Act.

Recently, several states have failed to develop plans to adequately control cross border migration of ozone pollution, forcing the federal government, via the EPA, to develop a plan. 

During the meeting with Administration officials, ATS noted the significant adverse health effects from exposure to ozone and urged the Administration to quickly finalize and enforce a federal implementation plan to reduce cross state ozone emissions.  The final plan is expected to be issued shortly.