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ATS Submits Comments on EPA Heavy-Duty Vehicle GHG Rule

The ATS submitted comments on the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed rule to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from future model year trucks and heavy-duty vehicles. As part of the Administration’s efforts to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, the EPA has issued several rules to reduce GHG emissions from major U.S. sources including electric powerplants, car, and light vehicle tailpipe emissions, and heavy duty/truck emissions. The transportation sector is the largest source of U.S. GHG emissions – accounting for 28% of total such emissions – followed closely by electric power generation, which account for 25% of US emissions. The ATS comments noted trucks and heavy-duty vehicles are a major contributor to transportation emissions. The ATS comments urged the EPA to move forward with reducing GHG emissions in future model year trucks and commented on the EPA’s various policy proposals to achieve future GHG emissions reductions.​