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ATS Hill Day - ATS Goes To Congress

During the ATS2023 International Conference, several members visited Capitol Hill to meet with their Congressional delegation to advocate on behalf of the ATS on important lung health issues. ATS members specifically urged Congress to enact legislation to expand U.S. global tuberculosis control efforts (H.R. 1776 and S.288). Additionally, ATS members urged reform of the Medicare supplemental oxygen program by enacting legislation to make access to all forms of supplemental oxygen, including liquid oxygen, more accessible to Medicare beneficiaries. ATS members held over 80 visits with key members of the House and Senate to advocate on these issues. 

“ATS Hill Day was a success,” said Stuart Sweet, MD, chair of the ATS Health Policy Committee. “I was pleasantly surprised with how accessible Congressional staff were and how receptive they were to addressing TB control and reforming the Medicare supplemental oxygen benefit. I am looking forward to building on the momentum of ATS Hill Day to advance these important policy issues in Congress.”